The Dirección Nacional de Identificación Civil (DNIC) is issuing ID cards (cédulas) and passports again. The DNIC services, suspended by the pandemic, have been resumed.
The Deputy Director of Civil Identification, Alberto Lacoste, reported that since last Thursday face-to-face attention was resumed throughout the country with a 60% daily productivity. According to a statement released by the President’s office, all the channels for issuing hearings for ID cards and passports in the urgent and common procedures are now operative.
Alberto Lacoste pointed out that the deadlines for urgent requests are from 24 to 48 hours, and 30 days are estimated for common procedures. As a complement to this measure, the agency extended the opening hours in all offices, which will require strict compliance with the health regulations set in place, in addition to respecting the capacity of the premises.
Cédulas and passports may be processed through collection networks (Abitab, Redpagos, etc.), Antel prepayment services, and to the website priority after the opening is to reschedule pending hearings, but they will also attend to new procedures from 8 am to 4 pm.